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Oasis Agribusiness (U) Limited Alleviates Hunger and Poverty in Karamoja.

  • 21-01-2024

Oasis Agribusiness (U) Limited Alleviates Hunger and Poverty in Karamoja:

Abim and Kotido, part of the Karamoja region, have faced longstanding challenges related to food security and economic opportunities. Oasis Agribusiness (U) Limited identified these issues and took a proactive stance in addressing them through a comprehensive approach involving last miles input distribution, food trade and community engagement.

Key Initiatives:

Input Supply and Agricultural Services: Oasis Agribusiness made significant strides in increasing access to quality agricultural inputs for smallholder farmers. Through strategic partnerships and collaborations, they facilitated the distribution of improved seeds, fertilizers, and agrochemicals.

Extension Services and Capacity Building: The Company invested in the training and development of local farmers, empowering them with knowledge on modern agricultural practices. This included sessions on agronomic practices, post-harvest handling, and the adoption of climate-smart technologies.

Market Access and Off-Take Models: Oasis Agribusiness worked on establishing efficient market linkages, ensuring that the farmers not only had access to inputs but also a guaranteed market for their produce. This off-take model became a catalyst for increased productivity and income generation.

Agricultural Insurance: Recognizing the vulnerability of farmers to unpredictable weather patterns, Oasis Agribusiness partnered with MUA Insurance to provide weather index crop insurance. This innovative approach aimed to safeguard farmers from potential losses due to adverse weather conditions.

Impacts and Achievements:

Increased Crop Yields: Smallholder farmers who accessed inputs from Oasis reported a remarkable 50% increase in crop yield per unit area. This positive trend was particularly evident in staple crops like maize.

Adoption of Improved Technologies: Over 4,284 farmers, including a significant number of women and youth, were observed adopting improved technologies such as the use of high-quality seeds, e-extension, mechanization, and expanding their cultivation areas.

Compensated Losses through Agricultural Insurance: Oasis Agribusiness successfully piloted an agricultural insurance program, compensating 562 farmers for losses incurred. This not only provided financial relief but also instilled a sense of security among the farming community to reinvest in food production even after the lost due to weather.

Increased Sales and Profitability: The positive trend in adoption and increased productivity translated into higher sales and profitability for Oasis Agribusiness. This success prompted the company to further invest in strengthening input supply and off-taking models in the region.

Looking Forward:

With this experience and success in Abim and Kotido Districts, Oasis Agribusiness envisions scaling its impact to neighboring districts within Karamoja. The company remains committed to its mission of reducing food and income poverty by expanding access to quality inputs, providing valuable extension services, sales of value added agricultural products sourced from Karamoja and creating sustainable market opportunities for smallholder farmers.

Oasis Agribusiness (U) Limited has not just been a player in the agricultural landscape of Karamoja; it has emerged as a catalyst for positive change. Through strategic interventions and a commitment to the welfare of local communities, Oasis is paving the way for a brighter and more prosperous future in the region. The journey continues, and the impact grows as Oasis Agribusiness sets its sights on new horizons within Karamoja.


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